We are supporting the upcoming ‘Pint of Postdoc’ event being organised by The CHAS Postdoc Forum. Postdocs from CHAS and the College of Science are coming together to organise a “Pint of Science” type event that has imaginatively been named “Pint of Postdoc”. This informal event will bring together postdocs, research scientists and research fellows in our colleges to give informal talks on science (any aspect of science you want!), share a drink (one will be free!), eat some food (free as well!) and have some lovely chats with friends and new acquaintances.
Please find the important information below:
When is it? Thursday 14th of September, 4 pm.
Where is it? Clubhouse Bar, O’Neill Lounge (student union)
What will it involve? Talks will begin at around 4 pm, food will begin around 6 pm and you can have refreshments all the time!
Do I need to present? No, but you’ll miss out on winning amazing prizes and a certificate acknowledging your participation.
I want to present, what should I do? Choose a topic you are passionate about, think of a way to present it (a PowerPoint, interpretive dance, a song …), create a 5 minute presentation, and you’re ready to go. Please also complete this short form: https://forms.gle/m8Y7rZnLU9xoBCj48
Who wins the prizes? The audience will vote for their favourite talks by ballot.
How much does it cost? It’s free!
How do I attend? Please complete this short form: https://forms.gle/m8Y7rZnLU9xoBCj48
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible and feel free to email chaspostdocforum@ucd.ie with any questions.