Category Archives: Uncategorized

Postdoc Coffee Mornings: Returning in August

After a successful run of rotating postdoc coffee mornings hosted by 4 schools in UCD College of Science, the School of Physics are pleased to host a one-off summer coffee morning for postdocs in August.

The event promises to be an excellent opportunity for postdocs throughout UCD College of Science to reconnect at the end of the summer, and share plans for the upcoming academic year. Refreshments will be kindly provided by the School of Physics.

We look forward to welcoming you to the event, and please share widely with all of your postdoc colleagues and friends in UCD College of Science.

Pride Celebration Event 2024

UCD College of Science will be celebrating LGBT+ Pride month with a Pride celebration event on Friday 14 June at 11am in the 4th floor atrium of UCD O’Brien Centre for Science.

The event promises to be an enjoyable morning where you can pick up rainbow flags and other goodies to celebrate LGBT+ visibility and inclusion in the college. We will have lots of treats to share with you, including a Pride cake, cupcakes, teas and coffees, and there will be a Purl Jam craft table to make your own rainbow creations.

The event is being organised by the College of Science EDI committee and will be opened by College Principal Professor Jeremy Simpson. The morning will include short speeches from staff and students in the college reflecting on the importance of Pride and LGBT+ inclusion in science.

Please put the event in your diary if you can join us, and invite your colleagues. We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate our LGBT+ peers!

School of Chemistry’s Postdoc Coffee

In March around 15 postdocs from across UCD College of Science made time in their morning to connect together over coffee and pastries for the third in our College of Science Postdoc Coffee morning 2023-24 rotating coffee series. The School of Chemistry did an excellent job at hosting the event, with refreshments provided by the Culturally Responsive Mentoring team.

The event gave postdocs an opportunity to meet over the UCD break period to celebrate St Patrick’s day and reflect on the successes of the spring trimester so far.

The next postdoc coffee morning will be hosted by the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science later in the trimester, so stay tuned for details to be confirmed soon.

UCD Women in Science Mentoring Awards

We are thrilled to report on the success of the first UCD College of Science Women in Science Mentoring Awards that took place on March 8th, International Women’s Day 2024. The initiative was organised by UCD College of Science’s Culturally Responsive Mentoring team, spearheaded by Vice President for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in the College of Science, Associate Professor Catherine Mooney, along with Dr Andrew McCartan from UCD School of Computer Science and Maeve O’Connell, Senior Project Officer in the College of Science.

The Women in Science Mentoring awards acknowledge mentors in the college whose efforts have fostered encouragement and support for women, girls, and other underrepresented individuals within the UCD College of Science community. A nominations process earlier in the year invited staff and students to nominate colleagues, mentors, teachers, and staff who had shown excellence in mentoring. In total, 21 certificates were awarded to the following winners:

The awards were presented to recipients during a special ceremony held on International Women’s Day in the O’Brien Centre for Science, which was beautifully decorated with purple and white balloons and bunting for the occasion. Associate Dean of Science and Associate Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Tara McMorrow opened the ceremony with a rousing speech advocating for the inclusion and encouragement for success of women and girls in science, before handing out the certificates.

Students and staff from throughout the college gathered to celebrate the success of those receiving the awards. International Women’s day cakes and cupcakes were shared, along with tea and coffee. Finally, all award recipients were entered into a prize draw for a 50 euro one4all gift voucher.

March Postdoc Coffee Morning

Over the course of the trimester the College of Science EDI committee and Culturally Responsive Mentoring initiative are facilitating a rotating coffee morning for postdocs and research staff in the college, to take place roughly once a month.

The School of Chemistry is delighted to host next coffee morning for postdocs.

This will take place on Thursday 21st March from 10.30am-11.30am in the 2nd Floor Foyer of Science South.

Please come along and bring along other postdocs from your school. Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Celebrating Rainbow Week in the College of Science

As part of UCD’s Rainbow Week 2024, UCD College of Science EDI and Culturally Responsive Mentoring collaborated with UCD EDI and the UCD EDI LGBTI Subgroup to host a celebratory coffee morning to show support and acceptance of LGBTI staff and students in the college.
We were delighted to be joined by Dr Niamh Nestor, co-chair of the UCD EDI LGBTI subgroup, and Prof Jeremy Simpson, College Principle, who both gave rousing speeches that spoke to the welcoming and inclusive culture UCD College of Science aims to foster in support of its LGBTI staff and students. Around 30 members of the college community were in attendance, and enjoyed delicious treats and goodies provided by the UCD EDI group. This included a delicious UCD Pride chocolate cake, and highly sought after UCD rainbow lanyards, and Pride pins!
Feedback from the event was extremely positive, and everyone agreed over the importance of such events to formally promote an accepting and supporting culture around sexuality and gender on campus. The event was one of several Rainbow Week events being organized across the UCD colleges, which you can find out more about on the UCD EDI webpage. The event also follows our own Pride celebration event that took place in the College of Science last summer. We will be holding another Pride celebration event this June in the college, so stay tuned for more information.
In the meantime, Culturally Responsive Mentoring in UCD College of Science will be hosting a coffee morning for International Women’s Day on Friday March 8th in Zone 9  (Top floor atrium, Science East) at 12noon-2pm. The event includes the launch of the UCD College of Science Women in Science Mentoring Awards, so if you have experienced or observed good mentoring of women in science please send us your nominations, and then join us on the 8th for more cake and celebrations.

Postdoc Coffee Mornings are back!

After the success of our postdoc coffees over summer 2023, we are delighted to announce that we will be continuing to organise coffee mornings for postdocs over the course of the spring trimester 2024. The coffee mornings will rotate between the schools of the college, and will take place roughly once a month to bring together postdocs from across the college.

The School of Biology and Environmental Science will host the January coffee morning for postdocs. This will take place on Monday 29th January from 10.30am-11.30am in the 3rd Floor Kitchen of Science East.

Please come along if you are a postdoc, and help us to spread the word to postdocs in the college!

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Promotions Workshop for Assistant Professors

On Wednesday 7 February we will be holding our second workshop on Faculty Promotions at UCD. During this hour long workshop from 12-1pm, we will hear from a member of the Promotions and Grading Team as well as a former member of the Faculty Promotions Committee. Ms Sarah Dunne, UCD HR Promotions and Grading will deliver a short presentation outlining the administrative components of application process.  Professor Danielle Clarke, former member of the Faculty Promotions Committee (FPC), will then offer insights and advice on the function of the FPC in the application process.

This event will provide an occasion for you to learn valuable information and insights about the Promotions process within the University, including timescale, reviewer requirements, etc.

Following the workshop, attendees are invited to share a sandwich lunch together, as an opportunity to network and socialize with other assistant professors in the College of Science.

If you are planning on attending, please make sure that you sign up through our google sign-up sheet.

Success of the 1st Pint of Postdoc

We are happy to share photographs and feedback from the Pint of Postdoc that we supported to recognize and celebrate the hard work and contribution of postdoctoral researchers to academic research and teaching at UCD. The event was co-organised and co-funded by the CHAS Postdoc Forum and the EDI committees of the College of Science, College of Engineering and Architecture, and College of Health and Agricultural Sciences

54 postdocs representing 15 schools from across the three colleges attended the event, which saw 8 speakers from the College of Science compete against 1 from CHAS and 1 from CoEA. All 10 speakers were given the remit of presenting about any area of interest for 5 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Some chose to talk about their research while others presented their research journeys or discussed postdoc life.

Audience members voted for their favourite talks and the top three received prizes (one-4-all vouchers worth €150, €100, and €50). All speakers received certificates acknowledging their contribution to the event and all attendees received refreshment vouchers.

It is hoped that the event will be repeated during the academic year – so watch this space for more information!

Assistant Professors Mentoring Event

A poster for the mentoring workshop for assistant professors.

We are pleased to announce the first in a series of workshops we will be running as part of the Culturally Responsive Mentoring initiative being piloted in the College of Science. Please join us on Tuesday, 12th September for an information session for Assistant Professors about Mentoring opportunities available to them.

Come along for a sandwich lunch at 1:30 pm where you can meet and mingle with fellow Assistant Professors from across the College.

The information session will then be delivered by Ms Navneet Kaur, UCD People and Organisation Development. She will advise you on mentoring programmes available in the University and how they can help you develop your career in UCD.

When: 2 – 3 pm, Tuesday 12th September (sandwich lunch at 1:30 pm)
Where: ALE, UCD O’Brien Centre for Science

Please register here by Thursday, 7th September.  Once you have registered, we will be in touch again with more details and information.