Category Archives: Assistant Professors

Empower Your Academic Career: A Workshop for Assistant Professors

We are delighted to announce that the ‘Empowerment Workshop’ with Karen Kelsky from The Professor Is In, has been rescheduled and will now take place on Friday 25th October 2024.

Karen will be delivering her 2-hour workshop on empowerment exclusively for UCD College of Science Assistant Professors from 1:30 to 3:30pm. The workshop will cover areas including managing power dynamics and building confidence to address difficult topics – i.e. identifying sexual harassment (and its structural embeddedness within academia) and dealing with it both at individual and institutional scales, but also wider issues of women’s challenges in academia, and role playing of methods of setting firm boundaries, recognising the wide range of disempowering situations, and learning to trust one’s own instincts.

Everyone is welcome to register and attend, although registration will be limited. We encourage those who identify as under-represented or minoritised in the College of Science to attend, and will allocate places to those who identify as underrepresented or minoritised first.

A sandwich lunch will also be offered from 12:30 – 1:15pm before the workshop starts for those who register.


[Postponed] Empowerment Workshop with Dr Karen Kelsky from The Professor Is In

UPDATE: Unfortunately this event is being postponed to a later date due to illness. Please keep an eye on our website for the announcement of a new date soon.


The Culturally Responsive Mentoring Initiative is delighted to invite Assistant Professors in the College of Science to a ‘once-off’ ‘Empowerment Workshop’ with Karen Kelsky, PhD – The Professor Is In.

Karen will be delivering her 2-hour workshop for College of Science Assistant Professors on Friday, 3rd May from 1:30 to 3:30 pm (in-person only). The ‘empowerment’ workshop will cover such areas as managing power dynamics and building confidence to address difficult topics – i.e. identifying sexual harassment (and its structural embeddedness within academia) and dealing with it both at individual and institutional scales, but also wider issues of women’s challenges in academia, and role-playing of methods of setting firm boundaries, recognising the wide range of disempowering situations, and learning to trust one’s own instincts.

We encourage those who identify as under-represented or minoritised in the College of Science to attend. Registration is required by completing the registration form. As spaces are limited, we will allocate them to those who identify as underrepresented or minoritised first.

A sandwich lunch will be offered from 12:30 – 1:15 pm before the workshop starts and I hope you will be able to join your colleagues there beforehand.

Faculty Promotions Workshop

On Wednesday 7 February we held our second workshop on Faculty Promotions at UCD. 45 assistant professors from across the College of Science came together to demystify the faculty promotions committee and discuss advice and guidance for going through the faculty promotions process.

We were delighted to welcome Ms Sarah Dunne from UCD HR Promotions and Grading, who delivered a highly informative presentation outlining the administrative components of application process. Sarah has kindy shared her slides with us, which you can find here on our website.

We were also joined by Professor Danielle Clarke, aformer member of the Faculty Promotions Committee (FPC), who shared valuable insights into the function of the FPC in the application process, and offered useful advice for assistant professors thinking of applying for promotion soon.

Following the talks, attendees shared a sandwich lunch together, and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to network and socialize with other assistant professors in the College of Science. Sarah and Danielle kindly stayed to answer questions, and we are grateful that they were so generous with their time.


Photos from our Promotions Workshop

On Monday, 13th November – despite the unpleasant conditions brought by Storm Debi – we were delighted to host an informal discussion around the University’s Academic Promotions process; with valuable input from colleagues who have journeyed through the system and those currently engaging with the process.

We plan to hold an in-depth information session with colleagues from UCD Promotions and Grading and a former member of the Faculty Promotions Committee in early T2 2024.  Notification of the date will be sent as soon as possible.

Faculty Promotions Workshop for Assistant Professors

This upcoming meeting will focus on Faculty Promotions at UCD. During our hour long workshop from 12-1pm, we will hear from a member of the Promotions and Grading Team as well as a former member of the Faculty Promotions Committee. Ms Sarah Dunne, UCD HR Promotions and Grading will deliver a short presentation outlining the administrative components of application process.  Professor Danielle Clarke, former member of the Faculty Promotions Committee (FPC), will then offer insights and advice on the function of the FPC in the application process.

This event will provide an occasion for you to learn valuable information and insights about the Promotions process within the University, including timescale, reviewer requirements, etc.

Following the workshop, attendees are invited to share a sandwich lunch together, as an opportunity to network and socialize with other assistant professors in the College of Science.

If you are planning on attending, please make sure that you sign up through our google sign-up sheet.

Mentoring Workshop for Assistant Professors

On Tuesday 12th September we held the first of our information sessions aimed at Assistant Professors. This event focused on exploring the various mentoring opportunities that are currently available to Assistant Professors at UCD.

Assistant Professors from across the College of Science gathered for lunch to meet and mingle with each other. The lunch provided a great opportunity to network and befriend fellow Assistant Professors working in different Schools and to discuss shared experiences and desires for mentoring. As the workshop began, Ms Navneet Kaur from UCD People and Organisation Development led the information session focused on helping those in attendance to develop their career in UCD through mentoring. The presentation was highly informative, and Ms Kaur has kindly allowed the slides to be shared via our website. You can find the slides here: Mentoring at UCD Presentation

This workshop will be followed by further events for Assistant Professors, that will run over the rest of the academic year as we progress with our new Culturally Responsive Mentoring initiative in the College of Science. Stay tuned for further information on future workshops.

Assistant Professors Mentoring Event

A poster for the mentoring workshop for assistant professors.

We are pleased to announce the first in a series of workshops we will be running as part of the Culturally Responsive Mentoring initiative being piloted in the College of Science. Please join us on Tuesday, 12th September for an information session for Assistant Professors about Mentoring opportunities available to them.

Come along for a sandwich lunch at 1:30 pm where you can meet and mingle with fellow Assistant Professors from across the College.

The information session will then be delivered by Ms Navneet Kaur, UCD People and Organisation Development. She will advise you on mentoring programmes available in the University and how they can help you develop your career in UCD.

When: 2 – 3 pm, Tuesday 12th September (sandwich lunch at 1:30 pm)
Where: ALE, UCD O’Brien Centre for Science

Please register here by Thursday, 7th September.  Once you have registered, we will be in touch again with more details and information.