Tag Archives: Postdocs

January Postdoc Coffee

Yesterday around 15 postdocs from across UCD College of Science made time in their morning to connect together over coffee and pastries for the first College of Science Postdoc Coffee morning of 2024. The School of Biology and Environmental Science kindly hosted the event, with refreshments provided by the Culturally Responsive Mentoring team.

It was a lovely opportunity for postdocs to reconnect with each other after the Christmas and New Year break, and the busy start to the spring trimester.

The next postdoc coffee morning will be hosted by the School of Chemistry in March, so stay tuned for details to be confirmed soon.

Successful launch of new College of Science Postdoc Coffees

Following the success of the Culturally Responsive Mentoring Postdoctoral Coffee Meetups that took place for postdocs in the College of Science over the summer, the CoS EDI Committee and the Culturally Responsive Mentoring team are keeping the momentum alive with a new rotating coffee morning for postdocs in the College. Every two months during the academic term, a different school in the college will play host to postdocs from across the college for informal mentoring and light refreshments.

The School of Computer Science were the first to host the rotating, networking coffees. The first event took place on Monday, 4th December at 10:30 am in the school of computer science, with tea, coffee, and refreshments. As it is the festive period in the lead-up to Christmas, there were plenty of delicious mince pies and chocolate treats for everyone to enjoy, while a playlist of everyone’s favourite Christmas tunes played in the background. The morning provided a fantastic chance for postdocs to connect with new and old friends, to maintain connections made over the summer and to get to know others throughout the college that they had not previously collaborated with.

In the new year, other schools will take their turn to host the event, so keep an eye on the College of Science EDI website for more details on the next coffee in January!


Pint of Postdoc

Inspired by Pint of Science, we are supporting the UCD ‘Pint of Postdoc’ event being organised by the CHAS Post Doc Forum.

This event will acknowledge the hard work of postdocs at UCD during a lighthearted, informal gathering where participants will give 5 minute presentations about whatever they want followed by questions. Slides, interpretive dance, song, poetry … all types of presentations are welcome. After a quick ice breaker at 4 pm, talks will begin and from 6 pm there will be an opportunity to vote for your favourite talk followed by prize giving, plus time to enjoy some chats, free food and refreshments.

Feedback from Postdocs

Over the summer we ran a series of coffee mornings for postdocs within the college to come together and connect with each other over tea, coffee, and snacks. The events had a wonderful turnout every time, and those in attendance seemed to really enjoy getting the chance to network and socialise with fellow postdocs. Now that the initial trial is over, we are looking for feedback from postdocs within the college on how they found the initiative.

Whether you attended one, more than one, or none of the coffee mornings, we would love to hear what your thoughts are on coffee mornings for postdocs and if you have any suggestions for future events going forward.

Your feedback will help share the future of the culturally responsive mentoring programme for postdocs in the college, so we would appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes of your time to let us know your feedback.

Click here to complete our feedback form 




Summer Coffee Mornings for Postdocs

The College of Science is holding a work/social space for postdoctoral researchers every second Tuesday over the summer at The Breakout Space on the ground floor in the Science Hub North.

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. This space is meant to connect postdocs from across the College of Science, provide a dedicated space for postdocs to meet each other, network and relate over the unique challenges and aspects of the role, and support each other in career development. This initiative is part of UCD’s Culturally Responsive Mentoring scheme, working to foster a more inclusive and supportive culture within the college.

Summer Coffee Mornings for Postdocs

The College of Science is holding a work/social space for postdoctoral researchers every second Tuesday over the summer at The Breakout Space on the ground floor in the Science Hub North.

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. This space is meant to connect postdocs from across the College of Science, provide a dedicated space for postdocs to meet each other, network and relate over the unique challenges and aspects of the role, and support each other in career development. This initiative is part of UCD’s Culturally Responsive Mentoring scheme, working to foster a more inclusive and supportive culture within the college.

Summer Coffee Morning for Postdocs

The College of Science is holding a work/social space for postdoctoral researchers every second Tuesday over the summer at The Breakout Space on the ground floor in the Science Hub North.

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. This space is meant to connect postdocs from across the College of Science, provide a dedicated space for postdocs to meet each other, network and relate over the unique challenges and aspects of the role, and support each other in career development. This initiative is part of UCD’s Culturally Responsive Mentoring scheme, working to foster a more inclusive and supportive culture within the college.

Summer Coffee Morning for Postdocs

The College of Science is holding a work/social space for postdoctoral researchers every second Tuesday over the summer at The Breakout Space on the ground floor in the Science Hub North.

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. This space is meant to connect postdocs from across the College of Science, provide a dedicated space for postdocs to meet each other, network and relate over the unique challenges and aspects of the role, and support each other in career development. This initiative is part of UCD’s Culturally Responsive Mentoring scheme, working to foster a more inclusive and supportive culture within the college.

Summer Coffee Morning for Postdocs

The College of Science is holding a work/social space for postdoctoral researchers every second Tuesday over the summer at The Breakout Space on the ground floor in the Science Hub North.

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. This space is meant to connect postdocs from across the College of Science, provide a dedicated space for postdocs to meet each other, network and relate over the unique challenges and aspects of the role, and support each other in career development. This initiative is part of UCD’s Culturally Responsive Mentoring scheme, working to foster a more inclusive and supportive culture within the college.

Summer Coffee Morning for Postdocs

The College of Science is holding a work/social space for postdoctoral researchers every second Tuesday over the summer at The Breakout Space on the ground floor in the Science Hub North.

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. This space is meant to connect postdocs from across the College of Science, provide a dedicated space for postdocs to meet each other, network and relate over the unique challenges and aspects of the role, and support each other in career development. This initiative is part of UCD’s Culturally Responsive Mentoring scheme, working to foster a more inclusive and supportive culture within the college.