Feedback from Postdocs

Over the summer we ran a series of coffee mornings for postdocs within the college to come together and connect with each other over tea, coffee, and snacks. The events had a wonderful turnout every time, and those in attendance seemed to really enjoy getting the chance to network and socialise with fellow postdocs. Now that the initial trial is over, we are looking for feedback from postdocs within the college on how they found the initiative.

Whether you attended one, more than one, or none of the coffee mornings, we would love to hear what your thoughts are on coffee mornings for postdocs and if you have any suggestions for future events going forward.

Your feedback will help share the future of the culturally responsive mentoring programme for postdocs in the college, so we would appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes of your time to let us know your feedback.

Click here to complete our feedback form