Latest Past Events

Coffee morning for postdocs

3rd Floor Kitchen, Science East

Over the course of the trimester the College of Science EDI committee and Culturally Responsive Mentoring initiative are facilitating a rotating coffee morning for postdocs and research staff in the college, to take place roughly once a month. The School of Biology and Environmental Science is delighted to host the January coffee morning for postdocs. […]

College of Science Postdoc Coffee: Computer Science

Room B1.06 Computer Science Belfield, UCD

Following the College of Science Postdoctoral coffee meetups over the summer, the CoS EDI Committee are keeping the momentum alive by rotating a new postdoc coffee morning event and having each school in Science host it. The School of Computer Science will host the first event on Monday, 4th December at 10:30 am in Room […]

Pint of Postdoc

O'Neill Lounge, UCD Clubhouse UCD Clubhouse, Belfield Campus, Dundrum

Inspired by Pint of Science, we are supporting the UCD 'Pint of Postdoc' event being organised by the CHAS Post Doc Forum. This event will acknowledge the hard work of postdocs at UCD during a lighthearted, informal gathering where participants will give 5 minute presentations about whatever they want followed by questions. Slides, interpretive dance, […]